
Areon & Carol Potter

Areon Potter was born and raised in northern California. After serving four years with the United States Air Force, he earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in psychology from Northwest Nazarene College where he met and later married his wife, Carol. Carol was born and raised in the Pacific Northwest and also earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in psychology at Northwest Nazarene College. Areon worked as a counselor and teacher at a state correctional facility for delinquent boys in Nevada for nearly 9 years. Areon and Carol have 2 sons, Ryan and Troy, and 4 granddaughters.

In 1980 the family moved to Denver, Colorado, where Areon worked as a Christian counselor for 5 years with Grace Fellowship International. It was while there, in 1982, that he first became aware of how Christians could be influenced by the kingdom of darkness. In July of 1985, Areon and Carol sensed God leading them to found Adonai Resources. In order to teach Areon what he needed to know, God began bringing an increased number of believers across his path who were experiencing the work of the enemy in their lives. As he learned to deal effectively with harassing demonic forces, Areon gathered valuable insight into the enemy’s schemes and tactics.

In the fall of 1992, Areon sensed a need to organize the information God had taught him about spiritual warfare. The author’s efforts have brought forth his first book — From Darkness to Light.

In 2002, Areon and Carol realized that God was directing them to move Adonai Resources to the Pacific Northwest. They settled in Salem, Oregon, and are continuing the ministry that they had begun in Denver. It was in Salem that Areon wrote his second book — Psalm 91 The Dweller.

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